Posted on Saturday, April 16, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Imagine going to heaven and standing by God as He lovingly shows you His plan for your life. It begins with the day you are born. Once you received Christ as Savior, every day that follows is outlined in red. You see footprints walking through each day of your life. On many of the days, two sets of footprints appear. You inquire: “Father, are those my footprints every day, and is the second set of prints when You joined me?”
He answers, “No, My precious Child. The consistent footprints are Mine. The second set of footprints are when you joined Me.”
“Where were You going, Father?”
“To the destiny I planned for you, hoping you’d follow.”
“But, Father, where are my footprints all those times?”
“Sometimes, you chose your own path. Other times, your footprints appear on another person’s calendar because you liked their plans better. Sometimes, you simply stopped because you would not let go of something you could not take with you.”
“But, Father, we ended up okay even if I didn’t walk with You every day, didn’t we?”
He holds you close and smiles, “Yes, Child, we ended up okay. But, you see, okay was never what I had in mind for you.”
*Walking with God in pursuit of daily obedience is the sure means of fulfilling each of His wonderful plans.*
-Beth Moore, Breaking Free
During my time with God this morning, I came across Galatians 3:3 which reinterated the above passage. “How foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?”
And…this is what that looks like through my peepers:
God’s character NEVER changes. It shouldn’t. He’s perfect. However, we are fallen. We are sinners. The good news? Because of Jesus Christ, we are not called to be perfect! There’s NO point in trying to reach perfection because it will never happen. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t make mistakes, we wouldn’t be disciplined by the Father, we wouldn’t learn, and most importantly…we wouldn’tGROW. God wants us to continue to grow…so…staying in one place in life trying to become something you’re not meant to be stunts your growth and poisons your brain with the mindset of striving.

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