Posted on Saturday, April 16, 2011 · Leave a Comment
I witnessed life being brought into the world four times this week.
I watched a fragile life take it’s first breath.
I introduced four different mothers and fathers to their children.
I was the first one to take care of the immediate needs of each child.
It was scary. It was my responsibility. It was intense. It was life changing.
A thought that crossed my mind after leaving the labor and delivery unit one afternoon was how careful we are with new life. We pay so much attention to it, nurture it, and make sure that it’s always safe and away from harm. But the older we get, we grow into independence. Independence is a good thing but without a motivating and nurturing presence, we become mediocre. We become so stagnant in personal growth, thinking that just because we’ve reached a certain age, we’re not capable of accomplishing great things.
That night I read Ezekiel 16. I encourage everyone to read it. The first part of the chapter paints a beautiful picture of how we were born to be left alone in this world but because of a loving God, we are never alone. Bad seasons in life come and go, but He’s always there. We may live a life of disappointment, drowning in sin, but He never leaves.
Ezekiel 16:8a “And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love.”
Ever feel like you’ve accomplished all you can accomplish in life? Do you feel like you’re too old to do anything great? Do you feel like you missed out on something amazing? Do you feel like you’ve accomplished the standards of this world in regards to school, getting a job, marrying, having children…etc? Are you excited about life?
It’s never too late. Maybe God’s been waiting for you to reach out to Him all along. Maybe He’s “passed by you” thus far waiting for you to confide in Him that you know He’s not only capable of doing great things but He’s capable of using YOU to do great things. Are you ready? Ask Him. He wants to love you and once you experience that love…life happens. Not mediocre life, but instead a life that leaves you humbled and honored that He chose you.
Do it. Get out of mediocre. The God that created you is supernatural, meaning He does things that aren’t natural! He wants ALL of His children to expect that He can do supernatural things through them. I want you to wake up excited about your life.

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