
A New Generation

Women are a burden to my heart. Broken women. Women who think they are worthless because someone or something embedded that idea into their minds. Women who put on a smile so people think they’ve got it together. Women who are afraid to be different.

We all go through bad seasons and times when we’re down on ourselves but some don’t know how to break through that. They don’t know that something better can be offered.

Not only does it affect women who haven’t been raised under the ideal circumstances but it happens to women who have been raised in “good homes” but society has totally twisted their mentality. I’m a firm believer in finding your beauty, as a woman, in the eyes of Jesus. I take pride that I was handcrafted in my mother’s womb, not by nature, but by the Supernatural. But, unfortunately, not everyone believes that.

My desire is to influence and change the way society is to a woman. We think it’s okay to bash people, make fun of them, judge them, and point out faults. We think it’s okay to make someone feel insecure just so we can have a moment of security. Spirituality is dead and it needs to be alive. It’s up to mothers and women in general to change the rising generation of women.

Overlay our death of spiritual exploration with our excess of training in ambition…and you have a generation of godless girls…raised largely without a fundamental sense of divinity. In fact, our worth in the world has always been tied to our looks, not the amazing miracle of mere existence.

They fit in by hating themselves because it seems that finding something wrong with yourself is the way of joining in on a conversation.

This is something that I’m exploring, researching, and praying over. I don’t know how this influence will be made but I trust in the Lord to guide me in that direction.

On a lighter note: Smile at a stranger today. Hold the door open for somebody. Be kind.

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