
Update Sesh...

I haven't blogged in over a month so I thought I'd do a little life update! I've missed writing and blogging about it. Hopefully things will settle down soon and I can get back to it!

Well, my last post was about a book review. Oh, to blog about books again! That seems so long ago. That was when I was between finishing school and the beginning of my nursing career. So, I definitely had more time on my hands. The last two months have been a whirlwind really, so here it goes:

  1. May 9th--graduated nursing school (WHOOO!) and spent fabulous time with my man (even better!).
  2. May 17th--first job interview out of school and then that same afternoon, found out I was accepted to USC Upstate to go back to school (I still don't know what I'm thinking just yet...I'll let you know in August).
  3. May 28th--took my State Nursing boards (most nervous day of my life!).
  4. May 30th--Found out I passed my boards!
  5. June 2nd--Accepted the job offer as a Neurology nurse at Spartanburg Regional.
So that little month was a doozy! But how wonderful our God is in His provision for my life! The rest of June was spent reading books, relaxing, spending time with my great guy, going to the beach, and getting things lined up for the job.

I started my job on June 28th and so far, I'm really enjoying it! It's such a big change from nursing school (textbook/perfect world nursing) to real world nursing. The adjustment will definitely take some time and the fact that I actually have a voice and I'm respected for my judgement and opinion. Oh, and the fact that I'm getting paid! Whhhhaaat?! Y'all have to understand that I went from not working at all the last year so I could solely focus on school (thanks mom and dad) to making a nurse's salary. What a blessing!

My schedule has been swamped due to working 12's and also having to attend all these orientation classes, continuing education classes, etc. Once I'm set on just my three days a week, hopefully I can blog more and cook more. I'm sure I'll at least have some awesome patient stories that we can laugh and cry about.

And just a little spill about what God's speaking into me lately: Proverbs 3:3 "Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart." Everywhere I go and everything I do, loyalty and kindness must stay with me. I am constantly reminding myself and speaking it over me all throughout the day. I'm trying to be loyal in all of my words, by following through with loyal actions. And, kindness to someone can change their entire day, y'all! Be kind to one another. It makes all the difference.

Happy Monday! :)

One Response to “Update Sesh...”
  1. bnfunky says:

    I absolutely love the last paragraph. You always have the sweetest verses. I was literally just wondering why you hadn't been blogging yesterday! Praying for you and that life would slow down just a bit to give you rest, but glad you are busy and thriving!! Loves!

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