
And now, I breathe.

If you asked me to sum up my life in the last few years, I really don't think I could. I've accomplished something greater than myself. The Lord placed a calling in me that I was afraid of. I ignored it for 2 years. He wouldn't stop calling me to it. So, I went. I dropped out of the school I was in and went to another one. I enrolled in nursing school. I thought I was crazy. I thought God was crazy. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to do it. I didn't even believe in myself. But, my Father did. Oh, how He believed in me.

So, down the path I went. Just because I followed the Lord doesn't mean that it was easy. This was the hardest path in my life. There were so many obstacles that were thrown in my way. Not just in school, but outside of school. Hearts were broken, worlds were shattered, friends were lost. Seasons were bad. But, thankfully, some seasons were good. There were things I failed at and the Lord made me do them again. He never ever once allowed me to give up. Not once. No matter how many times I told Him I couldn't do it. Throughout the tears and failures, He was shaping me. He was shaping me for something that I still haven't even seen. And, I'm excited about it.

Today, I found out I passed my state boards. Hallelujah! I'm the real deal. I'm a nurse. I'm legal! :)

Just now, Father led me to this(I changed the "him" to "her" and "he" to "she" get it) :

"How she rejoices in your strength, O Lord!
She shouts with joy because you give her victory.
For you have given her her heart's desire;
you have withheld nothing she requested.
You welcomed her back with success and prosperity.
You placed a crown of finest gold on her head.
She asked you to preserve her life,
and you granted her request.
The days of her life stretch on forever.
Your victory brings her great honor,
And you have clothed her with splendor and majesty.
You have endowed her with eternal blessings
and given her the joy of your presence.
For she trusts in the Lord.
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep her from stumbling."

-Psalm 21:1-7

Glory to God.

Nurse Katie


Recent Appointment History
AppointmentExam DescriptionDetails Status
Sat, 28 May 2011
Start Time: 08:00 AM
Pearson Professional Centers-Greenville SC, Greenville, SC, USA
NCLEX-RN: The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses
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PSS: This was the song I listened to before EVERY test. His love is so strong.
Click for details.

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