
Let's help a family!

I've recently been informed about a family that needs help!

The situation: The husband/father is dying of cancer. He's not expected to win this battle and the family is in financial distress. Because of the medical bills the family has had difficulty paying their power bill and even utilities. The wife also has a fear of being unable to pay for any funeral expenses if her husband loses his battle with cancer. They have three young children ages 10, 5, and 2. The last power bill was $315 and the only amount paid towards the bill was $150...and that was just to keep the power on!

What can be done: You can donate money online through the "ChipIn" widget below. The money goes through me and then directly to the family. My goal is to do more than pay just a power bill! We have the opportunity to bless this family with more than that! So, let's do it!

If you have any questions, you may contact me directly through facebook or via email:


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All you need is love

iC Love Tour is about to get started and Chance and I are busy trying to get everything squared away! We've had the help and support of a lot of our friends but we would be grateful for even more help! The point of iC Love Tour is to spread love by way of handmade cards for Valentine's Day! Last year, itsChance spread the love in Jacksonville, FL. This year, we're teaming up and spreading love throughout upstate SC as well! We're going into Children's Hospitals, Retirement Homes, Nursing Homes, Homeless Shelters, and Women's Homes! It's pretty amazing what God will do when you just provide Him with the hands and feet! The outreach opportunities are endless and we're very excited about how God is using Chance and I as a team!

I'm going to try my best to keep everyone updated on what's going on in SC so here's a quick breakdown of what we've got so far:

Who's Helping?

  1. My friends are AMAZING and they've been spreading the word like wildfire! Because of that, there will be a few "Card Making Parties" from now until February 10th. Let me know if you're interested in hosting your own or if you'd like to attend one and we can get you the information!
  2. My friend, Brent Odom, is an administrative assistant at Ralph Chandler Middle School. I contacted him to see how we can get the kids involved in creating cards for a cause. The art teacher there is going to allow the kids to create the Valentine's Day cards during their time in class! Also, they're going to allow card making to be an activity the kids can participate in during their after school program! That's ALOT of cards!!!!!
  3. I've contacted 46 day care centers in SC and in FL to get the kids involved in making cards there. Hopefully we'll hear from them soon!
  4. I'm going to contact a few other facilities throughout SC and FL this afternoon and hopefully we'll have more people participate!
  5. YOU can help! Even if you make one card! YOU can make a difference in someone else's life!
Who are we helping in SC?
  1. I contacted Safe Harbor which is a home for women and children who have unfortunately experienced domestic violence. I spoke with their volunteer coordinator and she is SO excited that we're going to be able to bring in Valentine's Day cards to their clients!
  2. Project Host Soup Kitchen is another organization that I'm in contact with about getting cards to! Gotta show the homeless some love too!
  3. I'm also working with the volunteer coordinator at Shriner's Hospital in Greenville so hopefully we can get through all the logistics and get the cards to those beautiful kiddos!
  4. If we have enough cards left over, I'd love to go into the Nursing Homes in Greenville, especially the ones that I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with during three of my clinical rotations.

Let us know if you'd like to help! If you do not live in SC or FL we still would love to hear from you and please know that you can still contribute to our cause just by making cards! We can provide you with our mailing address so you can mail the cards directly to us and we'll make sure they're distributed!

What are you waiting for?

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